How Can Myopia Progression Impact Children's Academic Performance?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a progressive eye condition that affects vision. It affects an individual's quality of life and increases their risk of eye diseases. Myopia usually develops in childhood. The condition deteriorates until the late teens or early 20s. Myopia control treatments can help to lower its progression. It can also prevent the worsening of childhood myopia. 

Understanding Its Progression

Myopia is a refractive defect that causes blurry vision for distant objects. Patients need vision correction to deal with blurred vision. Myopia usually progresses through the patient's life. It worsens as the eyes grow.

With continual deterioration, the blur begins to occur at closer distances. Patients need stronger lenses to improve their vision. Myopia control can help to prevent the worsening of eyesight. It also has long-term benefits of protecting the patient's eye health.

Myopia and Academic Performance

Myopia tends to progress or worsen faster during childhood years. Myopia progression can impact children's academic performance. The condition progresses during the child's school years. It affects their ability to see clearly and take part in educational activities. Myopia progression causes:

·      Increasing blurry vision

·      The need for frequent lens prescription changes

·      Increased risk of severe eye diseases

·      Increases the risk of poor school performance

Stable vision means children have better vision for school, sports, and other activities. Effective management can help to slow or halt myopia progression when it is most rapid. If not controlled, the progression can continue until early adulthood.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for myopia include genetics and excessive near-work. Digital use and spending too much time indoors are additional factors. Your child may need an updated prescription annually or every two years. If untreated, the condition will continue to worsen.

Patients have a greater risk of developing eye diseases in the future, such as:

·      Cataracts

·      Macular degeneration

·      Retinal detachments

Myopia Control Treatments

Treatments usually involve wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses. The lenses correct the focus to create a clear vision but do not treat the condition. Traditional treatments do not protect against myopia progression.

Several treatments can help to slow myopia progression, providing better vision. Control options include eyeglasses, contact lenses, ortho-k lenses, and atropine eye drops. Reducing screen time and spending more time outdoors can help slow myopia progression. Myopia control is usually a long-term process.

Choosing Myopia Control Options

Myopia management is a comprehensive treatment that includes making lifestyle and environmental changes. Eye health professionals consider all the factors that exacerbate myopia progression.

The suitability of treatment will depend on the patient's age and eye condition. Ideally, management should begin when a child is diagnosed with myopia. Children between six and ten years show the most rapid myopia progression.

Recent studies show that myopia can onset in the early 20s after years of normal vision. The eye doctor can create a customized treatment plan for each patient. Myopia control can help to improve your child's quality of life.

For more on myopia progression in children, visit 730 North Optometry. Our office is in Libertyville, Illinois. Call (847) 362-9900 to book an appointment today.
